It’s OttO Kent and this is my Backup Account. As a baby of the social media age, I have a parental instinct when a platform is on its way out. 2023 is likely the last year of TikTok relevance, something new is coming. It’s sad. In the last couple of years, I have become enamored with the cockamamie counter-cultural remixing and queerifornication happening on this app. Before everything gets wiped (or banned) for whatever is next I am feeling compelled to look back. Join me as I archive what are for me peak and bottom moments in the organic and algorithmic magic on TikTok.

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TikTok meta-cultural critique sparked by my gay-ass algorithm. This is my backup account.


OttO Kent is a German/American cultural archivist, writer, and radio personality, currently based in Berlin. They host "the week" podcast for Telekom Electronic Beats alongside producing independent documentary audio.